Adjust Entity Dates

The Adjust Dates dialog box is a planning tool used to move entity dates forward or backward in time. You can adjust the dates for items such as declines, costs, interests and royalties, and entity start dates. Adjust Dates is useful for adjusting the dates of wells in a drilling program because it maintains the relative time relationships between the wells. 

When you adjust the forecast, it is transposed to the adjusted date (rather than extrapolated). Its parameters (such as its initial rate, decline rate, etc.) are not altered.

If the forecast starts before the Current Month, it is extrapolated to the Current Month and then transposed after that.

Relative Date Adjustment

This option moves all entities by the same relative amount. Declines move by day. All other dates move by month only. Custom field dates will move to the same date in the relative month.

Absolute Date Adjustment

This adjustment moves all entities to a common date based on an anchor type: first forecast date or first capital date. When multiple entities are included in the selection, the entity (or entities) with the earliest forecast date or capital date is moved to the new absolute date.

All other wells in the selection are moved the same relative amount. This maintains offsets between wells.

Reserves Categories Selection

By default, All Except Developed Producing and Common, is selected. This allows you to adjust only non-producing reserves categories. To adjust well level data (entity fields, production history, etc.), you must select All Reserves Categories under Options. When you select All Reserves Categories, the options under All Reserves Categories in the Items to Adjust section become active.

To adjust the dates on an entity or folder

  1. In the entity explorer, select the entities (or folder level) you want to adjust. Filter to the entities first, if required.
  2. From the Entity menu, select Adjust Dates.
  3. Under Adjustment Date Setup, select Relative or Absolute and enter the time adjustment amount or date.
  4. Under Options, select one of the following:
  5. Option Description
    All Reserves Categories Adjusts dates for all reserves categories and enables you to adjust the options under All Reserves Categories.
    All except Developed Producing and Common Adjusts only non-producing categories. Common is not adjusted.
    Current Reserves Category The reserves category you currently have selected. Only data that is not being inherited from another category or plan is moved.
  6. If you do not want to apply the adjustment to the children of groups, deselect Apply to children of groups.
  7. Under Items to Adjust, select the items you want to adjust.
  8. If you selected All Reserves Categories in step 4, the items under All Reserves Categories are active. Select the items you want to adjust.
  9. Click OK.